5 Ways to Kick-Start Your Twitter Influence

One common question we get is “How do I increase my Klout Score?” and for some reason people don’t find the answer “become more influential” that helpful. So if you’re in a bit of a twitter rut, here are a few tips for you…

1. Give it your own spin. Whether you’re sharing links or commenting on your day, you should make sure you’ve made it your own. Don’t share the link that everyone else in your network is sharing, find something new. People are much more likely to click and retweet if you’re adding something of value that they haven’t already seen. Likewise, if you’re sharing about your day, find a way to make that cup of coffee seem different and interesting.

2. Connect to people. Your network is a critical part of your influence. Reaching out to the people you value in your network and recognizing them makes them more likely to do the same for you later. Reaching out can mean retweeting, letting someone know what you thought of their last tweet, or whatever feels right for your network.

3. Be consistent. Simply tweeting on a regular basis is part of the battle. How can anyone be influenced by your content if you’re not creating any? This does not give you free reign to tweet every 3 minutes about your cup of coffee (unless your audience digs that), but taking a 2 week break is going to make people forget about you.

4. Help people find you. Put your twitter handle on your blog and your website. Shout it out before your next concert or speech. If no one knows how to find you, how can you influence them? People you meet in person or have a connection with are more likely to engage with your tweets.

5. Remember there’s no magic bullet. We believe influence is the ability to drive action. For your network, tweeting about twitter tips might be the most valuable, for someone else it might be celebrity gossip. You have to find what’s right for you. We suggest trial and error. Oh and remember to have fun with it.

Hope this helped. What tips do you have for kickstarting your twitter influence? What other questions would you like to see us answer here on the Klout blog?

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